Thursday, June 12

Last night I had the strangest dream....

I went to my violin lesson, but a day early. Nathan's house was more like my piano teacher's house, but it was on a hill in a part of Gloucester that doen't exist. From the top of this hill you could see some of all the different kinds of Gloucester. Quiet, laid-back hippy parts, artsy areas, the canal, the coast, the highway, downtown... I would love to live there if it existed.

So Nate tells me my lesson is tomorrow just as his neighbor runs in and asks if we want to play baseball. Nate doesn't, I do. We head out toward the field on foot but run into this group of people with some urban religion, dressed like they came out of a Pat Benatar video. They had little patches of their hair dyed. Each kid had the same color as the adult that hurt them. I recognized some of the people. They were a raggedy bunch, and we spent the rest of the night running from them.

I wake up in Nate's house, and I have no idea how I got back there. I have to call James to tell him not to worry, I'm fine, sorry didn't make it home. I have to hurry because it's nearly 6:30 and he'll be leaving for work soon. There are 3 phones in the house. Nate's mom is a therapist and while she is making coffee and toast each of the phones is off the hook with someone talking to her (a different person on each phone) and I can't call because if I hang up on any of these people they will know she isn't listening and I couldn't do that to them. I am about to try to run home when I really do wake up.

What do you think about that one?

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