Tuesday, September 23

I saw a dragonfly this morning by the back door. He was so large and still there and even when the dog passed his wings barely quivered.

It was a mean mean morning, meaner than I could have guessed, mean enough to almost turn the car around and not go back. Ever. But the afternoon turned to forgiveness and big steps forward. Momentum moves that way as well and let's hope it continues.

Watched the boys do drills on the fields that were once the town dump. The are so flat up there but with a little curve to the edges so you think it may be the curve of the earth. The sky raced by with mist hanging and spitting little drops, hair blowing wind-wicked. Just as practice ended the sky opened and as James and I walked to the car we were soaked through. Pools of rain into the ciupholders I cleaned witht his morning's nervous energy. Glasses wet and not a dry surface to wipe them.

Driving slowly through main-street currents, water rushing and falling in sheet. Too tired to go home and needing to sit facing eachother we ended up at Jalapenos for soup to warm us and a beer for the long day. Couldn't go straight home anyway. Rain like that floods the corner near Willowrest. Talked and talked. Glad to see Jaime, glad for tortillas, glad to be wet but still not cold. Glad for Chiclets.

On the way home shivering now cold pools easing off the streets and new potholes showing their faces. Up into the tub and into bed and listen to the game phone rings get up write this and though it's early I am going to bed. G'night.

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