Thursday, May 15

James got me afour track for my birthday! woohoo! Now all my feeble musical skills can be put together. Look for the release of my first single, Twinkle Twinkle, with a b-side of Go Tell Aunt Rhody.

I am only going to take piano every other week now. I just don't get to practice enough, and maybe this will help. I also stopped a couple of other things I have to do every week. I'm looking for a more relaxed life. And time to do laundry.

I spent about an hour in the garden just now. Everything went well until I ran into a colony of red ants while thinning the lettuce. Ouch. I had to come inside and take a bath. I got the little garden around the cherry tree planted. The most pronounced part of that garden will be the red geraniums I planted. They make me think of Marnie. I planted some swiss chard in the vegetable garden and cleared the little area where I put pumpkins and squash last year. That part needs some more work before I plant anything. I am thinking of putting the same thing there this year. Maybe I will actually get a pumpkin. Last year I got a bunch of zucchini, a couple summer squash, and a big pumpkin vine. The thing I like about that garden is that I move all the sunflowers that just sprout in the vegetables over in a line between the garden and the compost pile.

I got a book of blues to work on at piano. I am looking forward to that. The piece I am working on for violin is ajig. I really want to write the fingering in, but I know it will be better in the long run if I don't.

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